A Backstage Adventure
Triumph, Disaster and Renewal that changed Stage Lighting and the Shape of Theatre
An autobiographical tale by Richard Pilbrow with David Collison.
“Superbly illustrated . . . It’s an absolute joy to read. A history of the theatre from an entirely new and fresh perspective”
Michael Coveney. www.whatsonstage.com
“BRILLIANT. The ultimate book on the creative side of theatre.”
Musical Theatre News.
"These stories are page-turners. For those with a love of theatre . . . this book is a gripping tale"
AK Bennett-Hunter. The Stage
"Beautifully produced. Gripping, fascinating story. Very highly recommended."
Rob Halliday, L&S America
"Essential reading for everyone who has had, is in the middle of, or is setting out on a backstage career"
Francis Reid, Entertainment Technology
"Rich, engaging and insightful . . . jam-packed with wonderful stories . . . a visual feast. A THEATRE PROJECT is highly recommended"
Michael Eddy, Stage Directions
"Fascinating story. A complete and most readable record . . . of the most complete non-acting theatre life I know of"
James Laws, ALD's FOCUS, August 2011
"Essential reading . . . beautifully presented. An amazing project, this book - this life."
Raymond Langford Jones, Sardines UK
Reviews of the e-edition:
“The e-edition of the book brings that same innovative, pioneering spirit and quest-to-improve to publishing, the new features adding life and depth to an already fascinating read."
—Rob Halliday
“Insanely great use of iPad tech, and a great read too.
Buy. This. Book!
This innovative use of the iPad technology is unprecedented. It's how any book on this platform ought to be written, with interactive links to URLs, photos and movies that allow the reader to reach the whole world wide web without ever leaving the book.
However, the context does not overwhelm the content — it supports the great stories shared with insightful, witty style. Anyone with even a passing interest in the world of theatre will enjoy this trip through theatre technology, theatre lore, and theatre consulting, as told by a master storyteller."
—Jules Lauve
“Terrific story on the iPad . . inspiring and eye opening, worth every second."
—Fridthjofur Thornstainsson, ALD FOCUS
“I cannot recommend this version highly enough. This delivers so much more than I expected . . . here you fall down the theatre history rabbit hole with Pilbrow . . . like the best experiences, it allows one to follow one's heart's desire."
—Michael Eddy
Published by PLASA Media June 2011