Creating the Backstage Heritage Collection
Monday, October 20, 2014
PLASA 2014 in London saw the announcement of the Backstage Heritage Collection. Created by a small group of lighting enthusiasts, it aims to create a “virtual museum” of theatre and stage lighting technology. The website http://www.backstageheritage.org will act as a link to antique lighting from collections around the world, as well as become a resource for all those interested in our rapidly changing heritage. Information and background on classic gear will be accompanied by links to those who still actually hold remaining artifacts and are willing to make items available for inspection. Venues able to provide a home for antique equipment will be similarly served, and the Collection will seek to make such items available for display.
Do sign on to the collection website and join in this new enterprise. Also visit the website and watch a podcast of the inaugural session at PLASA 2014 with Neil Austin, Rob Bell, Rob Halliday, Jim Laws and Richard Pilbrow discussing the past and what lessons might be learned about the future of stage lighting.