A Theatre Project — 2nd Edition
Thursday, August 27, 2015
My 2011 book has been generously received. Noted London critic Michael Coveney wrote: “It’s an absolute joy to read . . . a history of the theatre from an entirely new and fresh perspective.” Other comments have added: ‘Inspirational, page-turning, gripping, essential reading, and fascinating . . . should be on every theatre students reading list.’
Two printings have been sold out, so a 2nd edition is now hot off the press, which adds a new chapter to an already weighty book (sorry!) and now offers a hardback-bound for the library, as well as softback version.
I’ve been overwhelmed by how so many have observed that the book has something of great value for the newcomer to our wonderful world of theatre; the the theatre-lover and the young professional. So . . . this new edition.
The interactive digital version—also updated—continues.
Richard Pilbrow.
Visit www.atheatreproject.com to access copies of the book