With Dame Julie Andrews for the 60th Anniversary at the Sydney Opera House
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Broadway opening of MY FAIR LADY, John Frost and the Australian Opera Company present a grand revival directed by Dame Julie Andrews, with the reconstructed original sets and costumes by Oliver Smith (Rosaria Sinisi) and Cecil Beaton (John David Ridge) and lighting by me, ‘inspired by’ the original by the late great Abe Feder.
Stage lighting since the 1960’s has changed. Feder was always an innovator, so my task was to re-imagine his work as if he were alive today. Employing moving lights (Martin Mac 101 and Vipers) with multiple LED’s, all the subtlety of the original design could be achieved and its richness and three-dimensionality enhanced for today’s audiences. A fascinating learning experience for me . . .